The Festival of Carriages and Horses

The “Hramul Căruțașilor” (Carters’ Feast) is a project initiated by the Bravicea Town Hall in 2017, in partnership with public institutions, sponsors, and community members. The goal of the project is to promote respect and care for horses and carts, encouraging the breeding and care of horses in rural areas, supporting the profession of cart driver, and revitalizing traditional crafts. The three editions of the festival, held in 2017, 2018, and 2019, involved the local community, artistic groups, craftsmen, and amateur artists, creating theatrical and musical performances under the theme “Time passes, time comes…”

Bravicea Town Hall was awarded the third-degree diploma for implementing the project “At the Carters’ Feast” – local traditions and ancestral crafts, in the “Cultural Heritage and Authentic Traditions at Home” section of the Best Practices Program of Local Public Authorities 2017–2018.

National Fair of potters “La vatra olarului Vasile”

Are you interested in craftsmanship and traditions? Pottery is one of the ancient crafts of Moldova’s cultural heritage. In the village of Hoginești, one of the most valuable potters in Moldova resides. Vasilii Gonceari inherited the craft of pottery from his ancestors, and after spending some time abroad, he returned home to continue the tradition and establish the International Fair “La Vatra Olarului” (At the Potter’s Hearth), where visitors can purchase pottery, souvenirs, and household items. Dozens of artisans gather in the courtyard of Vasilii Gonceari’s home, each showcasing their creations. Children can try their hand at pottery during the workshops. Traditional cuisine, folklore, and dance are an essential part of the fair’s atmosphere.

Ziua Națională a Muzeelor

În anul 1977, Consiliul Internațional al Muzeelor (ICOM) a stabilit ca Ziua Internațională a Muzeelor să fie sărbătorită pe 18 mai, cu scopul de a recunoaște rolul acestor instituții de cultură în dezvoltarea societății. Această zi își propune să contribuie la promovarea ideii că muzeele sunt un mijloc important de schimb cultural, de îmbogățire a culturilor și de dezvoltare a înțelegerii reciproce, de cooperare și pace între popoare.

În fiecare an, la 18 mai, istoria, știința și arta sunt celebrate în toată lumea, prin programe speciale.

Wolf Festival – Festivalul Lupilor

The story of the wolves begins since this ancient land, with mountains that reach the skies and peaks that touch the clouds, steep valleys, vast fields, green forests, and clean rivers. And it will never end, as long as it is told in the ballads and songs of our ancestral tradition, which we pass on from generation to generation. The story of the wolves is closely connected to the legends of the Dacians. The legends attributed to the Dacians may not be very complex or grandiose, but the way they have spread, the intrigue they hold, and the teachings they offer make them the most interesting legends in the world.

At the Lupii (Wolves) Festival, the audience is invited to rediscover the culture through an artistic journey of the old and the new. To wander through the pastures of our ancestors’ legends and taste the melodies carried through time.

Hodina Festival

So many good people return home in August! Let’s celebrate a great family reunion! Take your loved ones and go for an outdoor picnic. Over 70 local artisans and producers, products of vegetarian and fishery cuisine, wine tastings, dozens of parent and child workshops, DJs and live music, and many other exciting activities for adults and children. Gather a crowd of beloved ones, grab a picnic blanket and come to Pohrebea village to have some fun.

Cricova Must Fest

Searching for a place to celebrate the grape harvest in Moldova? Cricova’s MUST Fest celebrates the glory of the Moldovan grape harvest season. Festival visitors can travel through the famous underground cellars, a paradise of red, white, dry and sparkling wines. The streets of the underground cellars are marked by wine varieties, where you can take a stroll on the Legenda Plaiului street. While underground you’ll enjoy live music, artistic representations and film screenings. Another key attraction is the Wine School, which welcomes guests to sample select wines and learn about the art of serving wine from the prominent specialists.

*The date is not confirmed yet.

Sparkling night party

Looking to enjoy a glass of sparkling wine under the starry sky? Cricova’s Sparkling Night Party is the brightest summer event in Moldova, offering the largest and most extensive sparkling wine tasting. Those wishing to spend a warm summer evening enjoying a refreshing glass of sparkling wine can also listen to elegant jazz musicians. This event is not to be missed.

*The date is not confirmed yet.