“Drum Beat, Lăutar” Festival

“Beat the drum, lăutar” Festival is an authentic celebration of the folk music and folk traditions, where the sound of drums and folk instruments set the tone for a vibrant atmosphere. The festival brings to the stage talented pipers, folk ensembles and artists who keep alive the musical heritage of past generations.

Zemii Festival

a festival of cooking and tasting lots and lots of traditional chicken soup

Beleu Bio Fest

The festival is organized on the shores of Lake Beleu, which is part of the ‘Prutul de Jos’ biosphere reserve, included in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves, and focuses on promoting the natural, cultural, and gastronomic heritage of the Slobozia Mare and Lower Prut Valley region, with an emphasis on Lake Beleu. Visitors will enjoy activities such as bird watching, boat and ATV rides, nature hikes, as well as music and folk dances.

Ziua Națională a Muzeelor

În anul 1977, Consiliul Internațional al Muzeelor (ICOM) a stabilit ca Ziua Internațională a Muzeelor să fie sărbătorită pe 18 mai, cu scopul de a recunoaște rolul acestor instituții de cultură în dezvoltarea societății. Această zi își propune să contribuie la promovarea ideii că muzeele sunt un mijloc important de schimb cultural, de îmbogățire a culturilor și de dezvoltare a înțelegerii reciproce, de cooperare și pace între popoare.

În fiecare an, la 18 mai, istoria, știința și arta sunt celebrate în toată lumea, prin programe speciale.

Sânzienele Night

Sânzienele are fabulous beings originating from Daco-Roman mythology, still found today in Moldovan folklore, often described as having an alluring, almost hypnotic beauty. The event is dedicated to celebrating Sânzienele wine from Castel Mimi.


The holiday of horse racing and popular games Hederlez is the holiday that, according to the Gagauz tradition, marks the start of the New Year for raising cattle. That is why there is a real festival of horse racing, popular games and exhibitions of popular craftsmen from Gagauzia in Ceadir-Lunga on this day. Moreover, on Hederlez day, the largest horse exhibition in the country takes place at the “At Prolin” horse farm, where you will have the opportunity to see the elegant representatives of the Orlov breed. These and many other activities beautifully framed in the gagauz traditions await you at the Hederlez.

Gagauz Șarap Yortusu

Did you know that the main symbol of the Gagauzia Wine Festival is the Gagauz wooden flask? History says that throughout history this people respected the tradition of not tasting young wine until the national holiday “Kasim”, celebrated on November 8. Therefore, every year, on the first Sunday of the month of Brumar (November), wine producers celebrate their liquors in the largest event of the region. These and many other subtleties of Gagauz customs can be found here. Don’t miss the opportunity!


The musical notes of the famous classical works get a taste! The tasting notes of “Castel MIMI” wines are transformed into sound! A Friday night can become a beautiful story under the open sky, in an enchanting environment, with friends, family and your dearest people. We invite you to VinOPERA, an outdoor party at Castel Mimi, with lots of quality music and exceptional wines! As part of the event program you will be able to enjoy classical music, folk and rock compositions. The talented musicians who have delighted us over the years with their energetic recitals’ full passion and originality, will charm our ears with works performed in an absolutely special way.

IA Mania

Do you want to know and understand Moldovans better? Discover the cultural traditions of Moldova at IA Mania. Founded in 2013, the festival promotes traditional hand-embroidered blouses and supports the craftsmen who carefully preserve this tradition. The event is organized on the banks of the Nistru River and gathers artisans who display handmade objects, chefs who cook traditional recipes, musicians and dancers all in the Holercani village stadium. The festival hosts the Mandria, Pride, contest for young designers who present fashion collections inspired by local traditions. A mural art contest, Cai verzi pe pereti, and the Podul de flori conference celebrate folklore inspired traditions.