Ziua Națională a Muzeelor

În anul 1977, Consiliul Internațional al Muzeelor (ICOM) a stabilit ca Ziua Internațională a Muzeelor să fie sărbătorită pe 18 mai, cu scopul de a recunoaște rolul acestor instituții de cultură în dezvoltarea societății. Această zi își propune să contribuie la promovarea ideii că muzeele sunt un mijloc important de schimb cultural, de îmbogățire a culturilor și de dezvoltare a înțelegerii reciproce, de cooperare și pace între popoare.

În fiecare an, la 18 mai, istoria, știința și arta sunt celebrate în toată lumea, prin programe speciale.

Strawberry & Wine Fest

Chateau Vartely returns with one of the year’s most anticipated events, namely Strawberry Day! Strawberry Day at Chateau Vartely is not just an event but a memorable journey where the joy of fresh strawberries harmoniously blends with the refinement of sparkling wines from the Inspiron series, offered unlimited on this day. The event includes live music, adult recreational activities, and creative workshops for the little ones. A joyful atmosphere envelops Chateau Vartely, making Strawberry Day a memorable event for the whole family. Strawberry Day at Chateau Vartely represents a unique opportunity to spend a wonderful day amid nature, savoring the season’s delights and creating unforgettable memories with family and friends. It’s an event that brings joy, color, and flavor to the hearts of all guests.


When was the last time an event took your breath away? The DescOpera Festival is a unique musical event of rare beauty, organized at the foot of the Orheiul Vechi Reservation limestone cliffs. The festival takes Opera from its traditional setting and transports it into the midst of nature. Audiences simultaneously enjoy beautiful weather, fresh air, amazing views and classical music played live on a natural stage. Classical musicians, from the Moldovan National Opera, led by Austrian-conductor Friedrich Pfeiffer, perform well-known masterpieces that spans over three days.

*The dates are not confirmed yet.