
Rudi Monastery
Dacă sunteți interesat de arhitectura bisericească medievală din Moldova, atunci Mănăstirea Rudi este un exemplu cât se poate de elocvent. Fiind una dintre cele mai vechi mănăstiri de pe teritoriul dintre Prut și Nistru, comunitatea monahală de aici se remarcă prin faptul că a reușit să conserveze stilul de viață tradițional. Venind aici ochiul și sufletul vostru va fi bucurat nu doar…
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Japca Monastery
The Japca is the only monastery in Moldova that has functioned continuously as a religious sanctuary from its founding, even during Soviet times. Its setting is special because it is near the Hermitage on the Rock, an ancient cave church that offers a marvelous view of the Dniester River. Monks lived in the cave before building the monastery. The Japca Monastery is…
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Harbovat Monastery
The Hirbovat Monastery, which dates to the 17th Century, has had to be rebuilt several times from Turkish sacking and Soviet predation. Sadly, a lot of precious relics were lost when the Turks burned the monastery’s structures several tunes. But an important one survived every fire – the Mother of Our Lord painting. It is a venerated icon, with many people saying…
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Condrita Monastery
The Condrita Monastery has some features of a fortress, such as walls 1 ½ meters – or five feet – thick. Visitors are amazed to discover that the paint on its ceilings is the original that workers applied in the 19th Century. The complex’s churches were built as the 29th Century was about to begin. The monastery has endured waves of political…
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Hancu Monastery
The Hancu Monastery is in a picturesque setting at the base of the Codri Ravine, next to springs where the Cogalnic River originates. A warrior and member of Moldova’s royalty, Mihai Hancu, built the monastery for his daughter, who wanted to become a nun rather than marry one of her father’s military allies. The monastery is a prime example of the Moldovan…
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Curchi Monastery
The Curchi Monastery is an architectural gem that includes Moldova’s tallest church spire – 57 meters, or about 190 feet. Considered one of the country’s most beautiful monasteries, the three-century-old complex exudes an aura of peace and quiet. Several churches have been built at the Curchi Monastery over the years. The most impressive is the main house of worship, the Baroque-style Birth…
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Varzaresti Monastery
The Varzaresti Monastery is steeped in history. It is Moldova’s oldest monastery, and its prayer altar the oldest in the Dniester River Valley, which runs through Moldova and neighboring Ukraine. One of the monastery’s treasures is its icon painting “The Miracles of the Virgin Mary.” Another is a small piece of wood reputed to be from Jesus’s cross. The monastery also contains…
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Hirjauca Monastery
Another religious pearl in the heart of Moldova is Hirjauca Monastery, built in 1740. In the beginning it consisted only of monks’ quarters and churches, but by the 19th Century it included an excellent library and school. The monastery was transformed into a spa during Soviet times – a move that reflected communism’s contempt for religion – but it became a religious…
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Capriana Monastery
One of the oldest monasteries in Moldova, Capriana rises in the very center of the Codri region. The first written mention of the complex was in a royal decree in 1429 under which King Alexandru cel Bun presented the monastery to his wife, Princess Marena. Another symbol of the monastery’s royal pedigree is a tree known as King Stefan cel Mare’s Oak….
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