n terms of tourism, the Republic of Moldova has progressed from being known as “the least visited country in Europe” according to “Lonely Planet” in 2013, to being recognized as “one of the top tourist destinations for 2018” according to “New York Post.”
Tourists visit Moldova especially for our culture, traditions, hospitality, cuisine, delightful wines, and unique experiences that can be enjoyed here. It’s time for you to discover them too. Be our guest in the regions!
Be part of promoting Moldova’s unique tourist destinations and experiences. Together, we will promote the image of the country and support entrepreneurship, craftsmanship, and small producers in rural regions.

To make your journey through Moldova easier, we have prepared a guide containing updated information about:
- Unique Tourist Destinations: explore wineries, guesthouses, ancient monasteries, historic villages, and landscapes that you’ll want to admire over and over.
- Curiosities and History: unusual details about the Moldova region and what was here thousands of years ago.
- Activities and Experiences: hiking and cycling trails, caves, active tours, events.
- Culture and Traditions: you will learn about traditional cuisine, folk dances, national elements, and local crafts.
The slogan #BeOurGuest has been embraced by the public since its launch in 2017 and continues to be popular. The campaign has promoted over 300 national tourist attractions, and the hashtag is still widely used by many people, both domestically and internationally. The relaunch of the “Be Our Guest” campaign aims to promote Moldova and its regions as a tourist destination for European citizens and locals alike.The “Be Our Guest in Regions” campaign aims to promote Moldova and its regions as a tourist destination and to motivate every Moldovan to become a tourism ambassador, both for fellow compatriots and foreign visitors. The initiative targets and encourages entrepreneurship in the tourism sector and is implemented by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity financed by USAID Moldova and the National Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (ANTRIM).
Campania „Fii Oaspetele Nostru în regiuni” își propune să promoveze Moldova și regiunile sale ca destinație turistică și să motiveze orice moldovean să devină ambasadorul turismului, atât pentru oaspeții co-naționali, cât și pentru vizitatorii străini. Inițiativa țintește și impulsionează antreprenoriatul în domeniul turismului și este implementată de Ministerul Culturii al Republicii Moldova, Proiectul USAID Competitivitate și Reziliență Rurală în Moldova și Asociația Națională pentru Turism Receptor și Intern (ANTRIM).