Rutele vieții

Rutele vieții Săli de spectacole

Sala cu Orgă

Găzduită de unul dintre cele mai frumoase edificii ale Chișinăului, Sala cu Orgă este un promotor a muzicii clasice universale și naționale. Verificați programul de evenimente, în timpul vizitei voastre la Chișinău, pentru că neapărat veți găsi ceva pentru care merită să vă luați bilete.

Rutele vieții Săli de spectacole

Palatul Național “Nicolae Sulac”

Cea mai mare sală de concerte din Republica Moldova. Dacă vreți să vă diversificați programul de aflare la Chișinău, verificați ce se întâmplă la Palatul Național.

Rutele vieții Teatre

Teatrul Geneza Art

Un teatru independent, al tuturor vârstelor, unde actorii încearcă să excludă sereotipurile din arta teatrală, direcționându-și activitatea spre experimente teatrale curajoase. Dacă vreți să mergeți la cel mai popular și la modă teatru din Chișinău, încercați să vă luați biletele cu ceva mai mult timp în avans.

Rutele vieții Teatre

Teatrul Național “Mihai Eminescu”

Fondat în 1921, Teatrul Național „Mihai Eminescu” este una dintre cele mai importante scene de teatru din țară.

Rutele vieții Teatre

Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet

Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet „Maria Bieșu” este unul dintre cele mai mari teatre de operă și balet din întreaga Europă de Est.

Rutele vieții Teatre

Teatrul Eugen Ionesco

Teatrul cu un altfel de limbaj teatral și cu un stil nou de interpretare. Este suficient să priviți un singur spectacol pentru a nu-l confunda cu alte teatre.

Rutele vieții Teatre

Teatrul A.P Cehov

Teatru dramatic rus, amplasat chiar în centrul orașului.


Enjoy Moldova

Descriere This 5-day tour takes you along a wine chateaux route in Moldova giving you a unique experience whilst enjoying wine tastings and delicious traditional food. Itinerar Ziua 1: After your arrival at Chisinau International Airport you will have enjoy a tour of the city to discover its history and culture. You will visit the Nativity of Christ Cathedral, the Bell Tower,…


Weekend tour at Lion Gri

Descriere This 5-day tour takes you along a wine chateaux route in Moldova giving you a unique experience whilst enjoying wine tastings and delicious traditional food. Itinerar Ziua 1: After your arrival at Chisinau International Airport you will have enjoy a tour of the city to discover its history and culture. You will visit the Nativity of Christ Cathedral, the Bell Tower,…

Sala cu Orgă

Găzduită de unul dintre cele mai frumoase edificii ale Chișinăului, Sala cu Orgă este un promotor a muzicii clasice universale și naționale. Verificați programul de evenimente, în timpul vizitei voastre la Chișinău, pentru că neapărat veți găsi ceva pentru care merită să vă luați bilete.

Palatul Național “Nicolae Sulac”

Cea mai mare sală de concerte din Republica Moldova. Dacă vreți să vă diversificați programul de aflare la Chișinău, verificați ce se întâmplă la Palatul Național.

Teatrul Geneza Art

Un teatru independent, al tuturor vârstelor, unde actorii încearcă să excludă sereotipurile din arta teatrală, direcționându-și activitatea spre experimente teatrale curajoase. Dacă vreți să mergeți la cel mai popular și la modă teatru din Chișinău, încercați să vă luați biletele cu ceva mai mult timp în avans.

Teatrul Național “Mihai Eminescu”

Fondat în 1921, Teatrul Național „Mihai Eminescu” este una dintre cele mai importante scene de teatru din țară.

Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet

Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet „Maria Bieșu” este unul dintre cele mai mari teatre de operă și balet din întreaga Europă de Est.

Teatrul Eugen Ionesco

Teatrul cu un altfel de limbaj teatral și cu un stil nou de interpretare. Este suficient să priviți un singur spectacol pentru a nu-l confunda cu alte teatre.

Teatrul A.P Cehov

Teatru dramatic rus, amplasat chiar în centrul orașului.

Enjoy Moldova


This 5-day tour takes you along a wine chateaux route in Moldova giving you a unique experience whilst enjoying wine tastings and delicious traditional food.


Ziua 1: After your arrival at Chisinau International Airport you will have enjoy a tour of the city to discover its history and culture. You will visit the Nativity of Christ Cathedral, the Bell Tower, the Arch of Triumph and the Monument of Stephen the Great.

After the city tour, you will be transferred to your accommodation in Chisinau and enjoy a delicious dinner at the hotel.

Ziua 2: In the morning, you will travel to Hincesti where you will visit the Manuc-Bei Manor that now houses the Museum of History and Local History. The actual house is a real castle in the French style, with a winter garden, guard towers and a park. The Manor House Museum includes a collection that now numbers more than 20,000 artifacts, and the most valuable is the collection of Moldovan national costumes and textiles.

Ziua 3: In the morning, visit the family-run Et Cetera winery and enjoy a wine tasting with the owner who will teach you about the methods of wine production and maturation. The tasting will be followed by a delicious lunch prepared from products of the region and Crocmaz village.
The trip will continue to Château Purcari winery in Purcari village. The old mansion’s galleries feature great collections of Purcari wines, some bottles dating back to 1948. The winery is famous all over the world due to the legendary wine “Negru de Purcari”, the elixir that in 1878 was highly appreciated on the international arena by being awarded the gold medal at the Paris World Exhibition. In the tasting room, decorated in royal style, you will taste Purcari wines, including “Negru de Purcari”. Enjoy dinner at their restaurant which serves both Moldovan and international cuisine, and spend the night at the winery.

Ziua 4: In the morning you will travel to Transnistria. While in Tiraspol, you will discover a real treasure, the Aquatir Sturgeon Complex, one of the largest hatcheries in Europe. Here you will taste one of the world’s most expensive culinary delights, caviar.
Lunch will be at a restaurant in Tiraspol, before a visit at Castel Mimi winery, in Bulboaca village. Castel Mimi is currently listed among the most beautiful architectural masterpieces in the world of wine. The story of the castle begins at the end of 1893, when Constantin Mimi, the last governor of Bessarabia, plants the first grape vines on the place that would become legend over the years. Here, you will taste Castel Mimi wines, including Rosu de Bulboaca wine, an incomparable wine with outstanding features and elegant flavor.
Dinner will be served at Castel Mimi restaurant and will culminate with “baba neagra”, a local desert garnished with vanilla. You will spend the night at the winery.

Ziua 5: You will be transferred from Castel Mimi winery to Chisinau International Airport.

Weekend tour at Lion Gri


This 5-day tour takes you along a wine chateaux route in Moldova giving you a unique experience whilst enjoying wine tastings and delicious traditional food.


Ziua 1: After your arrival at Chisinau International Airport you will have enjoy a tour of the city to discover its history and culture. You will visit the Nativity of Christ Cathedral, the Bell Tower, the Arch of Triumph and the Monument of Stephen the Great.

After the city tour, you will be transferred to your accommodation in Chisinau and enjoy a delicious dinner at the hotel.

Ziua 2: In the morning, you will travel to Hincesti where you will visit the Manuc-Bei Manor that now houses the Museum of History and Local History. The actual house is a real castle in the French style, with a winter garden, guard towers and a park. The Manor House Museum includes a collection that now numbers more than 20,000 artifacts, and the most valuable is the collection of Moldovan national costumes and textiles.

Ziua 3: In the morning, visit the family-run Et Cetera winery and enjoy a wine tasting with the owner who will teach you about the methods of wine production and maturation. The tasting will be followed by a delicious lunch prepared from products of the region and Crocmaz village.
The trip will continue to Château Purcari winery in Purcari village. The old mansion’s galleries feature great collections of Purcari wines, some bottles dating back to 1948. The winery is famous all over the world due to the legendary wine “Negru de Purcari”, the elixir that in 1878 was highly appreciated on the international arena by being awarded the gold medal at the Paris World Exhibition. In the tasting room, decorated in royal style, you will taste Purcari wines, including “Negru de Purcari”. Enjoy dinner at their restaurant which serves both Moldovan and international cuisine, and spend the night at the winery.

Ziua 4: In the morning you will travel to Transnistria. While in Tiraspol, you will discover a real treasure, the Aquatir Sturgeon Complex, one of the largest hatcheries in Europe. Here you will taste one of the world’s most expensive culinary delights, caviar.
Lunch will be at a restaurant in Tiraspol, before a visit at Castel Mimi winery, in Bulboaca village. Castel Mimi is currently listed among the most beautiful architectural masterpieces in the world of wine. The story of the castle begins at the end of 1893, when Constantin Mimi, the last governor of Bessarabia, plants the first grape vines on the place that would become legend over the years. Here, you will taste Castel Mimi wines, including Rosu de Bulboaca wine, an incomparable wine with outstanding features and elegant flavor.
Dinner will be served at Castel Mimi restaurant and will culminate with “baba neagra”, a local desert garnished with vanilla. You will spend the night at the winery.

Ziua 5: You will be transferred from Castel Mimi winery to Chisinau International Airport.